Sister Mary Paul

Spirit Juice is excited to partner with Sister Mary Paul of the Daughters of Divine Love Congregation for a new video series. You might recognize Sister Mary Paul from some previous Spirit Juice videos, but now she has a video series of her own to impart her unique brand of uplifting and inspiring reflections on various Bible passages. You don’t want to miss her words of wisdom and calming presence, so sign up today!

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Sister Mary Paul

Passing on the Faith to our Children

The Book of Psalms 78:4. “We will not hide them from their children or tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord and His mind and the wonders which He has to wrought.” This passage is actually about handing down the baton. You know, the children are our future. We have to pass on the knowledge, but we have to teach them the right…

Have Compassion For Others

Gospel of St. Luke, chapter 16, verse 25. But Abraham said, “Son, remember that you in your lifetime received your good things and Lazarus in like manner evil things. But now he’s comforted here and you are in anguish.” Lazarus was not even allowed to eat the crumbs from the rich man’s table. The rich man and his people didn’t care. But this story calls us…

Follow the Lord’s Footsteps

Matthew 4:19 says, “And he said to them follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” And it happened. It happened. Look at the apostles who followed him. Look at Peter, who he made the head of the apostles. We have all these Christians and Catholics today because they followed his footsteps, and he made them fishers of men. You have been hearing the same: action speaks…

Serve as Jesus Served

Matthew 20:28 says, “Even as the Son of man came not to be served but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many.” You heard what Jesus said. Jesus was not sitting in the palace waiting for people to come. He went out and reached out to the people. He was healing the sick and feeding the hungry. You heard the lame walk, the blind see, and if you want to be a follower…

Be Kind

Ephesians 4:32, “Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another as God is in Christ forgave you.” People cherish it when you are kind to them. Even you cherish it when someone is kind to you. Think of you carrying a heavy load, and somebody comes to help you. There is that joy that comes to you. Or somebody hurts you, and you know the person has forgiven you…

Be Slow To Anger

Proverbs 14:29. “He who is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who has a hasty temper exalts folly.” Some of us who are hot tempers who have not been able to control our anger in some situations have seen the disadvantages of it. A hot temper and not controlling your anger have led many people to do things that they will regret…

Fear of the Lord

Roman 15, verse two says, “Let each of us please his neighbor “for his good to edify him.” Sometimes some of us think that happiness comes from pleasing ourselves. Some in money, some in houses, some in cars, some in sex, but that does not bring happiness. So look for happiness, true happiness. It comes more from pleasing others…

What Brings True Happiness

Roman 15, verse two says, “Let each of us please his neighbor “for his good to edify him.” Sometimes, some of us think that happiness comes from pleasing ourselves. Some in money, some in houses, some in cars, some in sex, but that does not bring happiness. So look for happiness, true happiness. It comes more from pleasing others. That’s what brings happiness. So do acts of…

A Cheerful Glance Brings Joy

Proverbs 15:30 says, A cheerful glance brings joy to the heart. Good news invigorates the bones. If you smile at somebody, the person tends to smile back. At that moment, you see like joy coming out of you. It relieves the stress. It’s like medicine. It cures many things within. Try to put on that face of smiling and impact on people’s life…

You Did It To Me

Matthew 25:40 says I lost it. I hope that 40 was on the next page. “And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these, my brethren, you did it to me.'” If President Biden or Pope Francis comes here and wants a cup of water, everybody will run scatter-skelter, falling on each other to provide them…

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