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Easter 2024

So, the greatest victory I have ever witnessed in my entire life happened at 11:47PM on November 2nd, 2016. That’s right, the Chicago Cubs won the World Series. Greatest victory ever! But the crazy thing is, that is nothing compared to what we celebrate today: victory over death. We celebrate today, Easter Sunday, the resurrection, where Jesus Christ is…

Holy Saturday 2024

This is a little dated, but the “Bourne” trilogy. Jason Bourne, an ex-assassin, runs away and hides from the government. He does everything in his power, training, and skill to hide from the government, and he succeeds. When it comes to being a Christian, we will never succeed at hiding from Jesus. Today, Holy Saturday, what does Jesus do? Before the…

Good Friday 2024

Okay, so this is a very solemn day, this is a very somber day. It’s Good Friday. If you have the opportunity to go to your Good Friday service at your parish, the first thing that you will see is the priest lying prostrate on the ground. It’s a sign of reverence, it’s a sign of adoration, but it’s also a sign of vulnerability. On Good Friday, Jesus becomes vulnerable…

Holy Thursday 2024

Okay, friends, we did it. It is the Triduum, and it is the holiest time of the whole year. And tonight, on Holy Thursday night, Jesus and the Eucharist are taken out of all the tabernacles in all churches and placed in a special place in the church. Tonight, Jesus goes from the Last Supper to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray with His apostles. And He asks…

Holy Week and Total Gift (Lent 2024)

How do you intend to receive Jesus’ total gift for you this holy week? The fast during Lent is not to show Jesus how tough we are; it’s to show him how poor we are. It’s to be in the space of utter poverty and to trust that receptivity that He will come. And what we celebrate in this holy Triduum, this Holy Week, is Christ, giving himself to us as the bridegroom and espousing himself to us, His bride. We are celebrating Jesus’ love and total…

Palm Sunday 2024

So this weekend is Palm Sunday, which means that we will hear from the entire Passion of Jesus Christ at mass. So, prepare your body to stand for a long time. What is so beautiful about this Sunday is that we learn about God’s infinite love. Jesus Christ goes to the greatest lengths to prove His love for us. This is so beautiful because, as Christians, this Palm Sunday reminds…

Level Up Your Faith

Want to level up your faith life? Try this. Love God. Love your neighbor. Love gives meaning. It gives life. Have we ever sensed somebody loving you? And you know this person is not about using or deceiving you. How do you feel? It gives a sense of joy. It provides a sense of meaning. It seems all barriers are broken. And if you look at the commandments, this shows you how to help keep your neighbor happy and yourself happy…

Resurrection and the Reproaches (Lent 2024)

Our expectations and what God is doing can be totally different, so how should we respond to that? In the raising of Lazarus, the response of the Pharisees was to have Jesus killed. This was the tragic response of the heart when they were not open and unable to receive the mysterious and unconditional love of God. We can sometimes share the same humanity as the Pharisees too. We sometimes prefer to have Jesus out of our lives…

Truly, Interiorly, Fulfilled

So, when I was a senior in college, I got offered a job with the FBI. And I remember when that moment happened, I felt interiorly so empty, which is crazy because here’s what the world is saying. This will make you happy. This will make you fulfilled. It felt empty at the time because I knew the Lord was calling me to something else. He was calling me to something that would…

All About Faithfulness

For the person struggling with faithfulness. Being faithful means being loyal, constant, and steadfast. You are married. You be faithful. Or you’re a student, you go about studying. Keep the rules. Keep the regulations. You have a course; stick to it, do what is expected of you, and stay on it. You stay focused. Many things happen today, and people no longer want to be faithful. They want to take shortcuts, and they want…

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