The Good Shepherd: Tender and Fierce

A series on King David: Part 2 of 4

David is tender to his sheep, and also willing to fight for them. And he’ll be the same in his future vocation — the way that he was shepherd is the way he will be king. As he fights Goliath, he reveals something to us about the heart of God: God will go to battle against our giants. Though David wasn’t skilled or qualified like everybody else was, he was aggressive in his confidence before the Father. As if to say, “I am anointed, and now this anointing is bearing fruit.”

There’s something about David going into battle without the armour. It’s symbolic of his poverty and dependence. His attempt to wear Saul’s armour and sword is our attempt to grasp at an identity that isn’t ours. If I could just be like that person doesn’t work. David goes into it poor, and himself. So should we, in a way that allows the Lord to be powerful.

Coming up, we’re going to prepare for Advent with Finding Your Place in the Advent Story from Ascension Press, available at

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